
Animals, Plants and Fungi

Introduction and links

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Over 10 years ago I started a bird photo website, with the photos I had taken. From then 300 different species, I now have over 1000 species. I also added dragonflies and butterflies in 2016, and now I can add all types. Of course there are sites that have many more photos, this is just for my entertainment.

This part of the site contains part of my collection of photos. The site is created more or less automatically based on my collection sorted by type. It is all still under construction, not all links work, photos are sometimes duplicated, almost none of the photos have a caption. But I'm having fun.

Of all life, it is mainly animals, plants and fungi that can be photographed when you are out and about. Those are three "Kingdoms" that are best known. They are below.


The animals (Animalia) form a kingdom of multicellular living things that belong to the eukaryotes. Animals are very diverse group of life forms that feed on organic matter, breathe oxygen, and generally reproduce sexually. Most animals can actively move and respond to their environment through senses. Source: Wiki.

On the site, all photos are organized according to the classification science has established over the centuries. A number of groups are highlighted below. The current collection only contains birds and insects, but more may follow.


Plants are also living things, but they are organisms that cannot move and exhibit photosynthesis. But the story is more complex, read wiki for example: Historically, the definition of 'plants' has been subject to change. 'Plants' often meant all organisms traditionally studied by botanists, the multicellular eukaryotic photosynthesizing organisms (sometimes even together with the fungi).

Originally, plants (in the old, broad sense) included approximately land plants such as vascular plants, mosses, green algae, fungi and lichens, blue-green algae, diatoms, brown algae and red algae. Understood in this way, the term plant is an ecological term, just like the term algae. Older texts often use this traditional boundary.

Fungi (Schimmels)

Fungi or fungi, scientific name: Fungi (also called Myceteae) are all eukaryotic organisms that together form the kingdom of the Fungi. The scientific research into fungi is called mycology, and the researchers are called mycologists.

For me as a photographer, these are the mushrooms.

In recent years I have only had birds, dragonflies and butterflies on my site. There will be more types in the new version, but one is below overview of what is available now.


The vast majority of photos I have taken since 2013 have been of birds. The bird photos are from all areas I have been for work or holidays.

As with all animals and plants, bird species are classified into orders, families, genera and species. That classification used to be based on appearance, but is now increasingly based on DNA research. Partly for this reason the classification, and also the division into orders and families, changes over time. This site is organized using the IOC World Bird List, Version 3.5. That is not the latest version.

Dragonflies and Damselflies

Dragonflies and Damselflies(Odonata) are an order of winged insects. Dragonflies include two suborders: the true dragonflies (Anisoptera) and the damselflies (Zygoptera). English people have two different words: Dragonflies and Damselflies.

Both groups are medium to large insects that are usually easily recognized by their long abdomen and broad wings that allow them to fly nimbly. Dragonflies have striking multi-faceted eyes that form a large part of the head. The body is colored in different types of fur. Source: Wiki.

Butterflies and moths

Butterflies, chapels or lepidoptera (Lepidoptera) are an order of winged insects. The order of butterflies is the largest insect order in the animal kingdom after the orders of hymenopterans, dipterans and beetles: there are approximately 160,000 described species. Butterflies live in diverse habitats: from cold tundra to desert-like areas. Many butterflies stand out because of their bright colors. Some species of moths, such as the clothes moth, are controlled because of their harmfulness. The vast majority of butterflies are considered harmless and useful animals because they are pollinators that cannot sting or bite. They play a role in different cultures and are a frequently used subject in art. Butterflies often have a characteristic fluttering flight and widely varying wing colors. Because the body is easy to preserve and the colors are not lost butterflies have long been collected all over the world. Source: Wiki.